I think I'll preface this entry with this, the hottest hair possible is achieved after sex.
I said it. It's rumpled, languid, full, flouncy, bouncy, messy...I really could add more adjectives here but I don't like writing all that much.
Catherine Deneuve's hair in Belle De Jour is sex. I should remark that this is not so much as Severine, but as her prostitute counter part. Severine's hair is more coiffed and sprayed. The other's is much more used and lazy.
So Saturday morning I got my hair cut. I decided months ago that I am over straight hair, especially on me and really because I don't have straight hair. My hair is perfectly wavy. So let's just go with it. I want it super long so I just trimmed it up, had the back shaped and did a slanty bang because I don't know what I want to do with them.
Where I went they use only Bumble and Bumble (fine with me because I like the smells and the packaging). Ruth used the Surf Spray after she blew it out to give it texture after making it nice and smooth with the round brush.

Ruth, I gotta tell you I LOVE my hair AND thank you for letting me know that it is not in fact thinning and I just have an over active imagination.
1 comment:
阪神ジュベナイルフィリーズ 2010を徹底予想!!過去の結果やデータから分かる高配当の法則…出走馬の状態などを現地のスタッフからお届けします!
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