24 April 2008

Here Comes The Sun...

Or at least a fake tan that is.

Since I have never been tan I have decided to give the gradual tanning products a try. Now mind you I am WHITE. I am generally close to, if not the lightest shade of foundation by any brand out there. I fall into the "never tans, always burns" category.

For the face I got Neutrogena's Color Boosting Sunblock with SPF 30 in Fair and for my hot bod I bought Jergens Natural Glow Firming Daily Moisturizer.
I am not looking forward to the stench known as dihyroxyacetone (the chemical that will make me hopefully not orange). I am however hoping for the best regarding the firming action. I really don't want to be forced into buying the $250 MBT shoes.

Should I post a before and after photo? Hmm...maybe of my forearm or something. Cross your fingers my face turns out okay cause I might just have to call out of work if something goes awry.

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